Sunday, February 18, 2007

Following the post on war there was an article by Paddy Ashdown in The Observer today which I thought was quite interesting. The backlash from Iraq has tended to be the fear of getting involved in anything that is going on around the world. But Ashdown proposes that there are occasions and incidents where we have to intervene, what matters is how we do it (and how we treat those living in the country concerned). It's well worth reading, whether you agree or not.
Have a good Half Term people!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

So, yesterday Susan and I watched 'An inconvenient truth', a documentary in which Al Gore discusses the environment and the dangers of global warming. It scared me stiff. It is the most incredible film, with Gore providing clear, interesting (and humorous) narration. For most of the film, in between being shocked, I was thinking what the world would have been like if this intelligent, driven and ethical man had actually taken his deserved place in the White House in 2000.

I would recommend, ask, beg, plead that everyone watch this film. I'm going to buy it this month, and so my youth groups should prepare themselves to have me going on about it for ages. It really was eye-opening, and not in a way that was scare-mongering, or that verged on propaganda. It was a measured, scientific and honest portrayal of the damage that we have been and are doing to our planet and the devastation our actions are causing today. I found the photos of the disappearing ice really affecting.

So, read the book, watch the film, visit the website, and talk about it with your friends, your parents, your teachers, everybody. And use this blog as a forum to talk about it with each other. I really think that Christians need to step up to the responsible stewardship of this earth that God called us to in Genesis 2v15. We need to head up movements which are calling for change in policies and attitudes, not to lag behind them or stay silent.

Along these lines, on Monday night on Channel 4 at 8pm there is a documentary called 'God is Green'. It's definitely worth checking out (or taping if you're out), and could help start a debate about where Christianity (and other religions) stand in terms of our fragile planet.

So - in summary - WATCH 'AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH'!!!!!! ;-)