Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Hi guys!
I know it's been a while, but January turned out to be the busiest month ever! Anyway, this is mainly for my YPF group, but others feel free to comment if you wish.
Leading on from looking at War the other day I was aware that some of you might have been nervous about expressing your views. And I'd love to know what you really think about the subject. So please let me know.

- Do you agree with the Iraq war?
- Do you think most of what we see and hear is propaganda?
- What do you think God has to say about all this?

Oh, and I found this passage in Isaiah which made me feel a little less hopeless about the whole thing: Isaiah 2v4-5

"They will beat their swords into ploughshares
and their spears into pruning hooks.
Nation will not take up sword against nation,
nor will they train for war anymore.
Come, house of Jacob,
let us walk in the light of the Lord"

I await your insights with baited breath! ;-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wasn't at the 'Bible and War' Bible study but i thought I'd reply to the questions on your blog anyway.

- Do you agree with the Iraq war?

Yes and no! Not very decisive I know, but let me explain. Everyone seems to have forgotten the reason that war was declared on Iraq, even for me it's a little hazy! That's because it all started so long ago and so much has happened since. I think it had something to do with weapons of mass destruction - but none have ever been found! I feel our government were 'egged' into joining the war in Iraq by higher powers in America because of the oil supply that's in Iraq. I do not agree with the reasons that we started the war in Iraq. We have been like a surgeon operating blindly on a patient, not knowing what or if there is anything wrong with patient, without carrying out and taking into account extensive testing. By doing this we have butchered the paitent's vital organs and left them dying while infection seeps in to cause further problems. The infection attacks any kind of treatment we throw at it destroying the patient and now spreading further and further is starting to infect other patients. If the forces fighting against Iraq do not manage to control the suicide bombing and fighting there then the country will be torn beyond any repair. I now realise that it is so important for our forces to stay in Iraq and help repair the damage they have caused, because if we withdraw now we run a most certain risk that we drag the country down further into some kind of civil war, then the whole country is at risk of been torn by anarchy.

- Do you think most of what we see and hear is propaganda?

Yes! I think the government have so many things to hide that they have become very good at covering their backs and just inundate us now with loads of propaganda and lies!

- What do you think God has to say about all this?

I think God is really disappointed that we have said "Alright then, lets go to war and kill lots of people because they have lots of oil which we want." It's basically stealing from them! Just because Britain and America (and others) are stronger than Iraq, doesn't mean we can steal from them!!! We're doing an opposite kind of Robin Hood - taking from the poor to give to the rich! Actually it's more like - taking from the poor and keeping it for my own country 'cause I have lots of friends which need oil to keep their businesses going!!!! *COUGH*GEORGE BUSH*COUGH*

Right I have to go - should really be doing Biology coursework!!!
