Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Ok, so over the last couple of days I managed to start a debate about e-mail forwards and fake films (which probably wasn't helpful to those trying to finish essays, but it wasn't on purpose!). I thought, seeing as it brought up some interesting points, I'd put the results on my blog for others to think about.
It all began when Vanessa sent me an e-mail petition about a film in which Jesus was portrayed as being gay:

"Subject: Jesus Film
Shocking info about Jesus - PLEASE SIGN before hitting the send button!
Hello All,
I have seen a poster at the Monte Casino this week-end advertising the movie Jesus Superstar due to be released this June to Aug. I totally agree with the message below. Lets stand for what we believe in and stop the mockery of Jesus Christ our Saviour. If the Muslims do what they do, where do we stand as Christians? At the risk of a bit of inconvenience, I'm forwarding this to all I think would appreciate it too. Please help us prevent such offences against our Lord. It will take you 4 minutes! If you are not interested, and do not have the 4 Minutes it will take to do this, please don't complain when God does not have time for you, because He is far busier than we are.
A disgusting film set to appear in America later this year depicts Jesus and his disciples as homosexuals! As a play, this has already been in theatres for a while. It's called " Corpus Christi " which means "The Christ Body." It's a revolting mockery of our Lord. But we can make a difference. That's why I am sending this e-mail to you. Will you please add your name to the bottom of the list at the end of this e-mail? If you do, we will be able to prevent this film from showing in America and South Africa . Hey, it's worth a shot! Apparently, some regions in Europe have already banned the film. All we need is a lot of signatures! Remember, Jesus said "Deny Me on earth and I'll deny you before my Father". Hit forward, and when it comes up, delete any e-mail addresses, fill in whom you want to send it to, scroll down to the last name and add yours to the list. When it reaches 500 please send to"

I was in a very contemplative mood when I received the e-mail, and so I decided to ask the guys at college what they thought, as they're all very intelligent and wise people. In the interests of not confusing people, here's the e-mail I sent:

"Hi guys,
one of my young people sent this to me yesterday. Not knowing anything about the film (and seeming to remember something similar going round a few years ago) I don't know what to think. Obviously Jesus wasn't homosexual, but is there really any point in getting everyone all hett up about it? Maybe that sounds very apathetic and un-Christian, I don't know. I just wondered what everyone else thought. People kicked up a fuss about "The last temptation of Christ", but now we look at it in lectures as a way of seeing a different perspective....damn this course - it's made me think about things far too much!! ;-)
Anyway, I'm forwarding the petition to you, but I am in no way obligating you to forward it on to anyone else, I'm just at a loss as to where I should stand (and feeling guilty about even asking - rubbish!)
Take care everyone, and I hope essays are going well - you'll all do fine!Lots of love

I got quite a few replies, which really helped me sort out my thoughts on the matter (thanks guys!), and so I'm going to post them as 'comments' on this blog. Feel free to add comment, whether you agree or disagree, or just want to carry on the debate.
Take care all


Anonymous said...

I don't think much of these type of emails generally. They're not real petitions and won't actually do anything apart from circulate the internet and get some people bent out of shape because of something that potentially isn't true.

I do love this bit though: "If you are not interested, and do not have the 4 Minutes it will take to do this, please don't complain when God does not have time for you, because He is far busier than we are." Fan-tast-ic.

As for the film, if it's real it's just designed to piss Christians off for a laugh. Actually I wouldn't be surprised if one of the makers of the film created this email. If the film isn't real then I might say that this email was also created by someone who just wanted to piss Christians off for a laugh.

Either way, reacting to this email would just give someone the satisfaction they were after when they started this whole thing.


Anonymous said...


very interesting email... and you are right our course does make us think too much... as far as the content... its a load of rubbish and not true... while most of the sites i looked at (very fast) all talk about the film being an urban legend!

most fo the sites are from 2001 when this went round the first time...

our reaction should be the same as in any other situation like this for example the da vinci code... while i dont believe these suggestions (nor does it change what jesus did for us!) its a good place to start talking to others around us...

dont feel bad about asking... its better to ask than let the wonderings get even more confusing!

to be honest my advice is if someone wants to sign a proper petition on anything it should be done on a web site not a round robin email as most of them are fake!

sorry that turned into a ramble!

well done on getting the essays done!! :)


Anonymous said...

Hi Peta,
Thought I'd reply, as I too feel confused! Initially, I thought "Of course we should stand against this!" Then I read the email fully. Throughout history, books and music have been banned because of their content. All this has achieved, is to hype something up and make people WANT to view these to find out what its all about. So, the more we send petitions, the more people are going to want to see the film to find out why we want it banned! On the other hand, if we do nothing, we are seen to be apathetic, and wishy washy! I guess it's a no win situation! I guess the only thing to do is pray about it and ask for guidance to know what to do, and for God to intervene in this. After all, why would someone want to make a film about this, and how are they funding it? It might never be made.
I agree with you about the course, too! I hope your essay's going better than mine! I'm writing about the chav culture and now I see chavs everywhere! I started off by complaining about labelling young people, and now I'm doing it! Still, I'd better get back to it - I've written the introduction, introduced the chav subculture and written the conclusion! Still need to do missiology and worldview!
See you soon!
God bless!


Anonymous said...

Hi everyone

Just wanting to know if anyone has any more info about this film - actual
plot, context etc. I feel very uneasy about condemning something that I
haven't seen or know anything about (plus this may have caught me on a bad
day - i.e. a day that I'm doing an essay on - but I get a bit pissed off
being told that I am turning my back on Jesus if I don't sign this). I'm not
having a go at anyone, I would just like to know a bit more.

Hope you're all well

Anonymous said...

whlie i replyed to peta herself i think i should let you all know what i found...

The film is not real but a urban legend...

as much as i found on a quick google... it was first about in 2001... and there is very little else... its a load of pants and to be honest we really shoudnt need to worry about things like this... there will always be things to try and taint the name of Jesus, we just need to see it as a point of entry into conversation and nothing more... as for emails signing for petitions... i personally never pass on forwards (unless i have good reason to!) the fact remains if we want to petition against something it should be done on a web site and not a random round robin email...

if you really are keen to know more about the fake films...

and there are penty more!!

so guys just hit the delete button! it really doesnt matter and we have far better things to do!!

happy writing and congrats to those who are just amazing and have finished!
