Friday, March 30, 2007

I want to live in an easy world
Where mistakes can't be made
Where hurt can't be caused -
Where I can't cause it.
I want to live in a place
Where I can't get it wrong,
And where everything I'm meant to do
Is spelled out in words I understand -
With big signs, and names in lights, and paths with sides to walk down.

I want to live in an easy world
Where I'm not tempted
Where I know what people mean
When they're looking at me.
I want to live in a place
Where there's no possibility
That I'll disappoint the ones I love
By choosing the wrong direction
Or by slipping or snoozing or dropping what I'm juggling

If I was perfect
Then life would be simple.
Surely there'd be purpose
And a clear path to follow -
Outlined by morals and principles and all that stuff
That I'd never compromise.

But I'm not.
And it seems that there are occasions
When even love is not enough to hold me
On this straight and narrow.
And things are too hard.
I wish with all my confused head and heart
That I wasn't as stupid as I am.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You write very well.